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unbekannter Gast

De Santo, Massimo#

Bild 'massimo'

Professore Ordinario
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale/DIIN
Campus di Fisciano, Invariante 9C, Piano Seminterrato, stanza 039
+39 089 96 2711, +39 089 96 4276, Fax: +39 089 96 8722


Massimo De Santo received his Laurea Degree cum Laude in Electronic Engineering in 1985 and his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering in 1989. Professor De Santo main research interests are in the field of Semantic Web, Computer Networks, E_learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Full Professor of Computer Networks @ DIIN - Department of Industrial Engineering
  • Chairman of the Center of Information and Communication Technologies for Cultural Heritage of the University of Salerno.
  • Chairman of the Italian Chapter of IEEE Education Society.
  • Scientific Coordinator of National and International Research Projects
  • Author of over 200 scientific publications and Monographs.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee and Speaker at several International Conference
  • Reviewer for International Journals.
  • Member of the IEEE, ACM and of the Italian Chapter of the IAPR

Contributions to Global-Geography.org#

Massimo De Santo has contributed many special stories with pictures about Southern Italy.

Stories and pictures#