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chanical detection procedure according to some statistical crite-
rion can substantially influence the result of a study. In order to
avoid these pitfalls, outliers have been discussed with experts and
considered in the light of economic history.
3.2.2 Calendar effects
Apart from the business cycle, the varying number of working days
influences economic output, too. Therefore, time series have to be
cleaned for this influence. As far as they have not already been
derived from the data base in adjusted form, this adjustment was
made by the same SARIMA model combined with a regression on
working day information as it was used for seasonal adjustment. As
not only the varying number of working days constitutes the cal-
endar effect, but also Easter and the leap year effectJ-', their influ-
ence had been considered, too.
Apart from testing for a significant Easter and leap year effect, two
specifications for modelling the working day effect have been
applied. One tests for the significance of the varying number of
working days in total and the other checks for all working days
separately. Thus, the regression includes the number of Mondays,
Tuesdays, and so on. The discrimination between the two specifi-
cations was done according to their t-values and auto-correlation
properties of the residuals from the SARIMA model estimation.
In most applications, as in this study, calendar effects are cleaned
from the series under the assumption that they are independent
from other components like the trend or the cycle. This orthogonal-
ity assumption can be challenged by considerations of possibly
larger working day effects in times of high capacity utilisation. Dur-
ing recessions a large number of employees have to work part
time and their productivity is probably quite low, so that an addi-
3' Other holidays like Christmas have not to be considered separately, as they oc-
cur always in the same quarter of the year.
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
- Title
- The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
- Author
- Marcus Scheiblecker
- Publisher
- PETER LANG - lnternationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- Location
- Frankfurt
- Date
- 2008
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-631-75458-0
- Size
- 14.8 x 21.0 cm
- Pages
- 236
- Keywords
- Economy, Wirtschaft, WIFO, Vienna
- Categories
- International
- Recht und Politik
Table of contents
- Zusammenfassung V
- Abstract IX
- List of figures and tables XV
- List of abbreviations XVII
- List of variables XIX
- 1. Research motivation and overview 1
- 2. The data 7
- 3. Methods of extracting business cycle characteristics 13
- 4. Identifying the business cycle 41
- 5. Analysing cyclical comovements
- 6. Dating the business cycle 61
- 7. Analysis of turning points 71
- 8. Results 79
- 9. Comparing results with earlier studies on the Austrian business cycle 125
- 9.1 Comparing the results with the study by Altissimo et al. (2001) 126
- 9.2 Comparing the results with the study by Monch -Uhlig (2004) 128
- 9.3 Comparing the results with the study by Cheung -Westermann (1999) 130
- 9.4 Comparing the results with the study by Brandner -Neusser (1992) 131
- 9.5 Comparing the results with the study by Forni - Hallin -Lippi -Reich/in (2000) 132
- 9.6 Comparing the results with the study by Breitung -Eickmeier (2005) 134
- 9.7 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Marcellino - Proietti (2004) 134
- 9.8 Comparing the results with the study by Vijselaar -Albers (2001) 140
- 9.9 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Zhang (1999) 142
- 9.10 Comparing the results with the study by Dickerson -Gibson -Tsakalotos (1998) 142
- 9.11 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Krolzig - Toro (2004) 143
- 9.12 Comparing the results with the dating calendar of the CEPR 146
- 9.13 Comparing the results with the study by Breuss ( 1984) 151
- 9.14 Comparing the results with the study by Hahn - Walterskirchen ( 1992) 153
- 9.15 Comparison of the results of different dating procedures 154
- 9 .15.1 Turning point dates of the Austrian business cycle 155
- 9 .15.2 Turning point dates of the euro area business cycle 156
- 10. Concludlng remarks 161
- References 169
- Annex 177