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7. Analysis of turning points
Following the dating process, an analysis of the turning points gives
further insight into the comovement of cycles. This can be done on
the basis of the turning points themselves, by comparing their dis-
tance from one another or to the ones found in other time series96•
Furthermore, it is of interest to look at the time series properties at
these points in time, in order to get some insight into the strength of
the cyclical variation. The following statistics should give greater
insight into the duration of cycles and phases, their amplitudes,
and whether they behave asymmetrically or co-move with other
series. Eventually this can lead to a new dating of the whole busi-
ness cycle.
7.1 Mean and average leads and lags
When observing the dates of turning points of two different time
series (one being regarded as the reference cycle), it is possible to
calculate the distance between these turning points. As this dis-
tance can vary from cycle to cycle, some summary method is
necessary to get an overview of their behaviour over the whole
time span. For that purpose, the median conveys a more robust
picture of such properties, as some exceptional data points can
have a large influence on the mean97• Additionally, some thresh-
olds for minimum distances are necessary for the classification of
coincident, leading and lagging properties, taking also account
of counter-cyclical and unclassifiable relations.
96 A practical application of this method is the construction of the OECD leading
indicator. It should give an early signal of business cycle turning points by making
use of leading turning points of other economic time series.
97 It is recommended to use both moments together, as they can deliver important
information about the distribution of the lead and lag structures.
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
- Title
- The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
- Author
- Marcus Scheiblecker
- Publisher
- PETER LANG - lnternationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- Location
- Frankfurt
- Date
- 2008
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-631-75458-0
- Size
- 14.8 x 21.0 cm
- Pages
- 236
- Keywords
- Economy, Wirtschaft, WIFO, Vienna
- Categories
- International
- Recht und Politik
Table of contents
- Zusammenfassung V
- Abstract IX
- List of figures and tables XV
- List of abbreviations XVII
- List of variables XIX
- 1. Research motivation and overview 1
- 2. The data 7
- 3. Methods of extracting business cycle characteristics 13
- 4. Identifying the business cycle 41
- 5. Analysing cyclical comovements
- 6. Dating the business cycle 61
- 7. Analysis of turning points 71
- 8. Results 79
- 9. Comparing results with earlier studies on the Austrian business cycle 125
- 9.1 Comparing the results with the study by Altissimo et al. (2001) 126
- 9.2 Comparing the results with the study by Monch -Uhlig (2004) 128
- 9.3 Comparing the results with the study by Cheung -Westermann (1999) 130
- 9.4 Comparing the results with the study by Brandner -Neusser (1992) 131
- 9.5 Comparing the results with the study by Forni - Hallin -Lippi -Reich/in (2000) 132
- 9.6 Comparing the results with the study by Breitung -Eickmeier (2005) 134
- 9.7 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Marcellino - Proietti (2004) 134
- 9.8 Comparing the results with the study by Vijselaar -Albers (2001) 140
- 9.9 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Zhang (1999) 142
- 9.10 Comparing the results with the study by Dickerson -Gibson -Tsakalotos (1998) 142
- 9.11 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Krolzig - Toro (2004) 143
- 9.12 Comparing the results with the dating calendar of the CEPR 146
- 9.13 Comparing the results with the study by Breuss ( 1984) 151
- 9.14 Comparing the results with the study by Hahn - Walterskirchen ( 1992) 153
- 9.15 Comparison of the results of different dating procedures 154
- 9 .15.1 Turning point dates of the Austrian business cycle 155
- 9 .15.2 Turning point dates of the euro area business cycle 156
- 10. Concludlng remarks 161
- References 169
- Annex 177