Seite - 997 - in Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Band 2
Bild der Seite - 997 -
Text der Seite - 997 -
3.77–3.80 Serlio’s Settimo libro d’Architettura, nel qual si tratta di molti ac-
cidenti che possono occorrer, Frankfurt a. M. 1575, edited by Jacopo
Strada, title page and illustrations, pp. 13, 185 and 223; image SLUB-DS
(CC-BY-SA 4.0)    155
3.81 Perino del Vaga, Luzio Romano and Livio Agresti: decoration of the
Sala Paolina of Castel St Angelo, Rome, 1542–1547; image Wikimedia/
Miwok (CC 0 1.o/pd)    157
3.82 Vincenzo Danti, Pope Julius III, 1555; Perugia, in front of the Cathedral;
image Wikimedia/Dawid Skalec (CC BY-SA 3.0)    157
3.83 Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola et al., the Nymphaeum of the Villa Giulia,
Rome, commissioned by Pope Julius III and executed 1553–1557; image
Wikimedia/ Sailko (CC BY-SA 4.0)    157
3.84 Hieronymus Cock after Maarten van Heemskerck, view of the col-
lection of antiquities in the Palazzo Capranica-della Valle in Rome,
engraving 1553; ARM, inv. nr RP-P-1996-38    163
3.85 Maarten van Heemskerck, view of the collection of antiquities in
the Casa Maffei, drawing from the Heemskerck Sketchbook, Berlin,
SMBPK, inv. nr KdZ 2783; image bpk | SMBPK (Jörg Anders)    163
3.86–3.87 Stephanus Vinandus Pighius, Themis Dea, seu de lege divina,
Antwerp 1568, title page and woodcut illustration, p. 23; Regensburg,
Staatliche Bibliothek, inv. nr 999/Patr.11(1#3 13265562); images
BSB-MDZ    164
3.88 Jacopino del Conte (attr.), Cardinal Marcello Cervini, afterwards Pope
Marcellus II, Rome, Galleria Borghese, image from Nec Spe, Nec Metu
N°. 392, January 4 (2012), URL:
page/392 (consulted 27.02.2018)    169
3.89 Portrait of Antonio AgustÃn, anonymous engraving, frontispiece from
the Discorsi del S. Don Antonio Agostini sopra le medaglie et alte
anticaglie divise in XI dialoghi, Rome (Donangeli) 1592; GRI,
call nr 4822    169
3.90 Onofrio Panvinio, portrait from his tomb in Sant’Agostino in Campo
Marzio, Rome; Image Wikimedia/ Lalupa (CC BY-SA 3.0) 
3.91 Giovanni Battista Armenini, De veri precetti della pittura, Ravenna 1587,
title page; image GRI, call nr 38884    176
3.92–3.93 Giovanni Battista Armenini et al., illuminated drawings documenting
Raphael’s Vatican Loggia; ÖNB-HS, Cod. min. 33, ff. 16 and 25    176
3.94 Unidentified draughtsman, mid-sixteenth century, an image from the
Codex Coburgensis (Veste Coburg, Cod. HZ II); image Arachne, the
central object-database of the German Archaeological Institute in
Rome and the Archaeological Institute at the University of Cologne: (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 DE)    178
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Buch Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Band 2"
Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
The Antique as Innovation, Band 2
- Titel
- Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
- Untertitel
- The Antique as Innovation
- Band
- 2
- Autor
- Dirk Jacob Jansen
- Verlag
- Brill
- Ort
- Leiden
- Datum
- 2019
- Sprache
- englisch
- Lizenz
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-35949-9
- Abmessungen
- 15.8 x 24.1 cm
- Seiten
- 542
- Kategorien
- Biographien
- Kunst und Kultur
- 11 The Musaeum: Strada’s Circle 547
- 11.1 Strada’s House 547
- 11.2 High-ranking Visitors: Strada’s Guest Book and Ottavio’s Stammbuch 548
- 11.3 ‘Urbanissime Strada’: Accessibility of and Hospitality in the Musaeum 554
- 11.4 Intellectual Associates 556
- 11.5 Strada’s Confessional Position 566
- 11.6 Contacts with Members of the Dynasty 570
- 12 The Musaeum: its Contents 576
- 12.1 Introduction 576
- 12.2 Strada’s own Descriptions of his Musaeum 577
- 12.3 Strada’s Acquisitions for Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria 580
- 12.4 Strada’s own Cabinet of Antiquities 592
- 12.5 Acquisitions of Other Materials in Venice 599
- 12.6 Commissions in Mantua 610
- 12.7 ‘Gemalte Lustigen Tiecher’: Contemporary Painting in Strada’s Musaeum 615
- 12.8 Conclusion 628
- 13 Books, Prints and Drawings: The Musaeum as a centre of visualdocumentation 629
- 13.1 Introduction 629
- 13.2 Strada’s Acquisition of Drawings 630
- 13.3 ‘Owls to Athens’: Some Documents Relating to Strada’s GraphicCollection 634
- 13.4 The Contents of Strada’s Collection of Prints and Drawings 641
- 13.5 Later Fate of Strada’s Prints and Drawings 647
- 13.6 Drawings Preserved in a Context Linking Them withStrada 649
- 13.7 Strada’s Commissions of Visual Documentation: Antiquity 673
- 13.8 Strada’s Commissions of Visual Documentation: Contemporary Architecture and Decoration 692
- 13.9 Images as a Source of Knowledge 711
- 13.10 Conclusion 717
- 14 ‘Ex Musaeo et Impensis Jacobi Stradae, S.C.M. Antiquarius, CivisRomani’: Strada’s Frustrated Ambitions as a Publisher 719
- 14.1 Is There Life beyond the Court? 719
- 14.2 Strada’s Family 719
- 14.3 Ottavio Strada’s Role 725
- 14.4 The Publishing Project: Strada Ambitions as a Publisher 728
- 14.5 The Musaeum as an Editorial Office? 739
- 14.6 Financing the Programme 752
- 14.7 The Index Sive Catalogus 760
- 14.8 Strada’s Approach of Christophe Plantin 775
- 14.9 The Rupture with Ottavio 781
- 14.10 Strada’s Testamentary Disposition 783
- 14.11 Conclusion: The Aftermath 786
- 15 Le Cose dell’antichità : Strada as a Student of Antiquity 799
- 16 Strada & Co.: By Appointment to His Majesty the Emperor 830
- 16.1 Strada as an Imperial Antiquary and Architect 830
- 16.2 Strada’s Role as an Agent 836
- 16.3 Strada as an Independent Agent 840
- 16.4 ‘Ex Musaeo Iacobi de Strada’: Study, Studio, Workshop, Office, Showroom 843
- 16.5 Strada’s Influence: An Agent of Change 849
- 16.6 Conclusion: Strada’s Personality 863
- 16.7 Epilogue: Back to the Portrait 868
- Appendices 877
- Chronological List of Sources 915
- Bibliography 932
- List of Illustrations 986
- Index 1038