Bilgeri, Georg#
b. Bregenz (Vorarlberg), Oct. 11, 1873, d. Patscherkofel (near Innsbruck, Tyrol), Dec. 4, 1934, officer, alpinist, ski pioneer; contributed considerably to training in alpine disciplines and skiing in the Austrian army until 1918; later taught skiing in Austria and abroad (Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey); B. overcame the conflict existing at the turn of the century between "Lilienfeld" and "Norwegian" skiing techniques (Christiania or "Christie" and Telemark) and helped the twin ski pole technique and stemming become established; developed and improved the equipment used in skiing and alpine disciplines.
Der alpine Skilauf, 1910.Literature#
100 Jahre Skilauf Vbg., 1986; G. Kirnbauer, G. B. (1873-1934). Persoenlichkeit - Berufsoffizier - Skipionier, doctoral thesis, Wien 1997.