Hradil, Rudolf#
b. Salzburg, April 1, 1925, painter and graphic artist. 1947-1951 studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and in 1951/1952 at the studio of F. Leger in Paris; soon achieved an expressive style of drawing and made a name for himself with lithographs and subtle water colours.
Etchings: Bric à Brac, 1963; Roma, 1968; Staedteminiaturen, 1979; Das Leben der Dinge, 1982. - Lithographs: Stadtprofile, 1985; Stadtkaleidoskop Wien, 1993; Blumen, 1994.Literature#
G. Amanshauser, R. H., 1975; R. H., Zeichnungen, 1993; M. Boeckl, R. H., Oelbilder, 1995.