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unbekannter Gast

Mederitsch, Johann genannt Gallus-Mederitsch#

Mederitsch, Johann (called Gallus-Mederitsch), baptised Vienna, Dec. 27, 1760, d. Lvív, Ukraine (then Lemberg), Dec. 18, 1835, composer, conductor and teacher. From 1781 conductor at the theatres in Olmuetz, Vienna and Ofen (Budapest); piano teacher of F. Grillparzer. Friend of W. A. Mozart´s son, to whom he left his possessions (now at the Mozarteum in Salzburg.). One of the best known composers of his time.


1st act of the opera "Babylons Pyramiden" (2nd act by P. Winter), 1797; 7 further singspiele, incidental music (Macbeth, Hamlet, The Tempest), sonatas, compositions for the piano, 4 masses, string quartets, symphonies, concertos.