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unbekannter Gast

Mock, Alois#

b. Euratsfeld (Lower Austria), June 10, 1934, civil servant and politician (Austrian People´s Party). 1962-1966 member of the OEEC-delegation in Paris, secretary and head of cabinet of Federal Chancellor J. Klaus, official and minister of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 1971-1978 chairman of the Austrian Federation of Workers and Employees (OeAAB), 1979-1989 federal party chairman of the Austrian People´s Party OeVP, 1979-1998 president of the European and International Democratic Union; 1969-1970 Federal Minister of Education, 1970-1987 and 1995-1999 member of the Nationalrat (1978-1987 chairman of the parliamentary group), 1987-1989 Vice Chancellor and 1987-1995 Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs. Head of the Austrian delegation during Austria's membership negotiations with the European Union. Strong supporter of European integration.


H. Wachter, A. M., Ein Leben fuer Oesterreich, 1994.