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unbekannter Gast

Ott, Elfriede#

b. Vienna, June 11, 1925, Kammerschauspielerin, singer, director. Wife of E. Waldbrunn, partner of H. Weigel; drama training with L. Medelsky; debut at the Vienna Burgtheater, 1950 at the Landestheater in Graz, after that at the Vienna revue theatre "Simpl" and since 1954 at the Theater in der Josefstadt, member of the ensemble since 1958; revue artist, singer of operettas and popular Viennese songs (Wienerlieder), music hall songs and chansons. Especially committed to promoting Viennese comedy since Nestroy. Since 1982 has directed the Nestroy summer plays at Liechtenstein Castle (Lower Austria); since 1985 head of the acting department at the Vienna Conservatory; has worked for TV (including the TV-series "Die liebe Familie"), writer, water colourist. Kainz Medal (for outstanding acting) in 1969 and other honours.


Phantasie in Oe-Dur, 1975; Wenn man in Wien zur Welt kommt, 1977; H. Weigel quergelesen, 1994; Ein Hoch dem Tief, 2000.