Reinhardt, Heinrich#
Reinhardt, Heinrich, b. Bratislava, Slovakia (then Pressburg), April 13, 1865, d. Vienna, Jan. 31, 1922, operetta composer. His "Das suesse Maedel" (premiered Oct. 25, 1901 at the Vienna Carltheater) marked the transition from the "golden" to the "silver" era of operetta. From 1914-1922 president of the Austrian Society of Composers ( Komponistenbund).
Further works#
Der liebe Schatz, 1902; Der Generalkonsul, 1904; Krieg und Frieden, 1906; Das Maedchen fuer Alles, 1908; Die erste Frau, 1915; Der Glueckstrompeter, 1922. - Operas, vocal and instrumental music.