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unbekannter Gast

STEWEAG, Steirische Wasserkraft- und Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft#

STEWEAG, Steirische Wasserkraft- und Elektrizitaets-Aktiengesellschaft, founded by a group of Styrian industrialists, the province of Styria and the City of Graz; provincial company since 1947 ( Nationalisation). STEWEAG possesses 24 hydroelectric and 4 caloric power stations (3 of which are run with cogeneration for decentral district heating). After Energie Steiermark Holding AG had been established in 1996, the companies Steirische Ferngas-AG and Steirische Fernwaerme GmbH as well as the waste management company were spun off as subsidiaries of STEWEAG. Other STEWEAG subsidiaries have recently focused on the areas of engineering and consulting and water supply in order to improve service efficiency.