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Voels, Tirol, municipality in the district of Innsbruck-Land, alt. 592 m, pop. 7079 (pop. 1981: 5931), area 5.62 km2, on the south bank of the River Inn, west of Innsbruck. - Residential home for mothers and children; mostly trade and crafts. - First documented mention around 1180; in 1848 Voels was an independent republic called "k. k. Republik Voels" for one week. -Late Baroque-Classicist former parish church (late Gothic core, rebuilt in 1785) with late Gothic mural painting, ceiling frescoes (1924); new parish church (1965-1967 by J. Lackner) built in the shape of a crown of thorns over a square ground plan; pilgrimage church atop the Blasiusberg Mountain (first documented mention in 1286, rebuilt in 1733) with a bronze crucifix (1522).