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stood within the larger context of the argument that Aristotle is developing
in Book VIII to account for how change as a phenomenon we are acquainted
with by experience can exist in the way we observe it.
2.4 Physics VIII
2.4.1 Overview
In this last section I will examine what role the arguments presented for the
priority claim play in the context of Physics VIII. For, only if one knows
what this discussion in Phys. VIII 7 aims at and why Aristotle is interested
in showing the truth of this claim can one understand what it stands for
and evaluate the arguments presented for it in an appropriate way. As I
shall explain in this section, Aristotle needs to show the truth of the priority
claim in order to be able to provide evidence for an assumption which he
made implicitly in the discussion of Phys. VIII 1–6 and on which the theory
developed there essentially depends, namely the premise that against all
possible objections there exists one single change that is eternal and that
fulfils all other criteria required of a change whose direct source is the first
unmoved mover.
In order to show this I will first of all outline the basic argument pre-
sented in Phys. VIII 1–6. I will argue that Aristotle in these chapters devel-
ops a theory according to which change is eternal and that in order to
account for this fact the necessary existence of an unmoved mover needs to
be presupposed (2.4.2). My second step will then be to examine the impor-
tance of the arguments for the primacy of locomotion, and by extension of
the whole discussion stated in Phys. VIII 7–9 into which they are
embedded. I will show that these chapters present a justification for
assumptions whose truth is presupposed in the discussion in Phys. VIII 1–6
and without which this theory would not hold (2.4.3).
2.4.2 The argument of Physics VIII
In Book VIII of the Physics Aristotle, by building on the preparatory work
done in Books V and VI, aims to develop a theory that explains how the
fundamental phenomenon of change exists in the way in which we experi-
ence it in the world.61 This is done by showing that all changes may be
61 Accordingly, I agree with Ross (1936), 85, who states that the object of Phys. VIII basi-
cally is “to account for the presence of movement in the world and for its having the charac-
teristics it has.” Physics VIII 31
ISBN Print: 9783525253069 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647253060
© 2014, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen
The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle’s Physics
- Title
- The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle’s Physics
- Author
- Sebastian Odzuck
- Editor
- Dorothea Frede
- Gisela Striker
- Publisher
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co
- Date
- 2014
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 9783647253060
- Size
- 15.5 x 23.2 cm
- Pages
- 238
- Categories
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Naturwissenschaften Physik
Table of contents
- Acknowledgements 9
- 1. Introduction 10
- 2. The importance of the primary kind of change 14
- 3. Change in quality and quantity of living beings depends on loco-motion, but not vice versa 42
- 4. Locomotion necessarily accompanies each of the other kinds of change, but not vice versa 71
- 4.1 Overview 71
- 4.2 What changes in quantity changes with respect to place 73
- 4.3 What undergoes generation or corruption changes with respect to place 89
- 4.4 What changes in quality changes with respect to place 98
- 4.4.1 Overview 98
- 4.4.2 What does it mean that condensation and rarefaction are principles of quality? 100
- 4.4.3 Every alteration involves a change in the four basic qualities 104
- 4.4.4 Every change in the four basic qualities involves con- densation or rarefaction 108
- 4.4.5 Condensation and rarefaction are forms of aggregation and segregation 110
- 4.4.6 What changes in quality changes with respect to place 112
- 4.4.7 Conclusion 113
- 4.5 Conclusion 113
- 5. All changes depend on the first locomotion, but not vice versa 115
- 6. Locomotion has temporal priority 144
- 6.1 Overview 144
- 6.2 Locomotion has priority in time, since it is the only change eternals can undergo 146
- 6.3 Objection: Locomotion is the last of all changes in perishable things 148
- 6.4 Coming to be presupposes an earlier locomotion 150
- 6.5 The locomotion of the sun as a cause of generation 154
- 6.6 Conclusion 162
- 7. Locomotion is prior in essence 164
- 7.1 Locomotion is prior in essence, since it is last in coming to be 164
- 7.2 Locomotion alone preserves its subject’s essence 186
- 7.2.1 Overview 186
- 7.2.2 Locomotion does not change its subject’s being 188
- 7.2.3 Locomotion preserves its subject’s essence best 190
- 7.2.4 Making x depart from its essence by being part of a change in essence? 195
- 7.2.5 Change in quality or quantity in principle may result in a change in essence 202
- 7.3 Conclusion: Locomotion’s priority in essence 207
- 8. Conclusion 211
- Bibliography 220
- List of Abbreviations 223
- Index Locorum 221
- Index Nominum 223
- Index Rerum 221