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of the four kinds of change apart from change in place can form one contin-
uous change that is eternal.
5.3.2 Only circular locomotion can be one and eternal
After this Aristotle goes on to show why most of the different kinds of loco-
motion also cannot form a change that is one and eternal in the necessary
sense. The only kind of change in place that can be eternal in the appropri-
ate way, he claims, is circular locomotion. The basic reason Aristotle pre-
sents for the stated claims is that as in the case of the other types of change
most kinds of change with respect to place necessarily involve an intermit-
tence in time, and therefore cannot be one and eternal without qualifica-
tion. This, however, as we will see, is not the case with circular locomotion,
since an eternal motion that consists of one and the same locomotion along
a circular path in no way involves contrary motions and in contrast to all
changes does not have to stop at some point. I will now present the reasons
for each of these claims, which are presented in Phys. VIII 8 in more detail.
Once again, I will focus on presenting the basic assumptions that must be
made if one is to understand Aristotle’s claims, insofar as these are impor-
tant for my inquiry; thus, I will not examine the whole passage here in
There are three types of local motion, namely circular locomotion, recti-
linear locomotion and locomotions which consist of a mixture of both
types.55 If straight or circular locomotion cannot be one and eternal in the
appropriate way, then, of course, the same must be true of the mixed
motion which is composed of both types.56 First of all, it again seems to be
clear that straight locomotion cannot exist continuously, because this kind
also has a certain limit (πεπερασμένη).57 Accordingly there cannot be a
rectilinear locomotion along an infinite path. This seems reasonable if one
bears in mind that Aristotle thinks that the extension of the cosmos is finite
and that a rectilinear locomotion for this reason cannot go on forever, since
its subject will reach the limits of the universe at some point. But as in the
case of the other kinds of change one might think that a change in place
along a straight line could be one and eternal if the subject were to go back
and forth between the place from which its starts and the place which is the
endpoint of this (part of the) change. Yet, according to Aristotle such a
change, too, would involve an intermittence of time, i.e. a state of rest in
55 See Phys. VIII 8, 261b28–29.
56 See Phys. VIII 8, 261b29–30.
57 See Phys. VIII 8, 261b32. In fact it is stated for instance in Phys. III 6, 206a16, that no
magnitude (μέγεθος) can be infinite in extension.
134 All changes depend on the first locomotion, but not vice versa
ISBN Print: 9783525253069 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647253060
© 2014, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen
The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle’s Physics
- Title
- The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle’s Physics
- Author
- Sebastian Odzuck
- Editor
- Dorothea Frede
- Gisela Striker
- Publisher
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co
- Date
- 2014
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 9783647253060
- Size
- 15.5 x 23.2 cm
- Pages
- 238
- Categories
- Geisteswissenschaften
- Naturwissenschaften Physik
Table of contents
- Acknowledgements 9
- 1. Introduction 10
- 2. The importance of the primary kind of change 14
- 3. Change in quality and quantity of living beings depends on loco-motion, but not vice versa 42
- 4. Locomotion necessarily accompanies each of the other kinds of change, but not vice versa 71
- 4.1 Overview 71
- 4.2 What changes in quantity changes with respect to place 73
- 4.3 What undergoes generation or corruption changes with respect to place 89
- 4.4 What changes in quality changes with respect to place 98
- 4.4.1 Overview 98
- 4.4.2 What does it mean that condensation and rarefaction are principles of quality? 100
- 4.4.3 Every alteration involves a change in the four basic qualities 104
- 4.4.4 Every change in the four basic qualities involves con- densation or rarefaction 108
- 4.4.5 Condensation and rarefaction are forms of aggregation and segregation 110
- 4.4.6 What changes in quality changes with respect to place 112
- 4.4.7 Conclusion 113
- 4.5 Conclusion 113
- 5. All changes depend on the first locomotion, but not vice versa 115
- 6. Locomotion has temporal priority 144
- 6.1 Overview 144
- 6.2 Locomotion has priority in time, since it is the only change eternals can undergo 146
- 6.3 Objection: Locomotion is the last of all changes in perishable things 148
- 6.4 Coming to be presupposes an earlier locomotion 150
- 6.5 The locomotion of the sun as a cause of generation 154
- 6.6 Conclusion 162
- 7. Locomotion is prior in essence 164
- 7.1 Locomotion is prior in essence, since it is last in coming to be 164
- 7.2 Locomotion alone preserves its subject’s essence 186
- 7.2.1 Overview 186
- 7.2.2 Locomotion does not change its subject’s being 188
- 7.2.3 Locomotion preserves its subject’s essence best 190
- 7.2.4 Making x depart from its essence by being part of a change in essence? 195
- 7.2.5 Change in quality or quantity in principle may result in a change in essence 202
- 7.3 Conclusion: Locomotion’s priority in essence 207
- 8. Conclusion 211
- Bibliography 220
- List of Abbreviations 223
- Index Locorum 221
- Index Nominum 223
- Index Rerum 221