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tions for the identification of peaks and troughs. There is no possi-
bility to take into account the amplitude of cyclical variations and,
as it is a purely deterministic approach, nor the uncertainty en-
countered when choosing dates for the turning points.
As this procedure proposed by Bry - Boschan (l 971) was devel-
oped originally only for monthly data, some amendments have
been proposed to use it analogically for quarterly series90• The ver-
sion used in this study is the one implemented in the BUSY software
package developed by the Joint Research Centre of the Euro-
pean Commission (1993). There, de-trended time series are
smoothed by a Spencer curve, which is a symmetric 2:x7 moving
average filter with the following weights
1 [74+67(L+L-1)+46(L2 +L-2)+2l(L3 +L-3)+ ]
(30J v(L)= 320 3(L4 +L-4)-5(L5 +L-5)-6(L6 +L-6)-3(L7 +L-7)
In order to compensate the loss of seven data points on either end
of the series, the series is extended by extrapolating the growth of
the first and last four observations. This smoothed series is used, first
of all, for replacing outliers in the uncorrected series, which are de-
tected by imposing that its standard deviation be a certain multi-
ple of the series total standard deviation, to be defined by the
Following this, the series corrected for outliers is filtered by a 2 x 4
term MA term in the quarterly time series case. The output of this
filter and the one generated by the Spencer curve are both
scanned for common turning points, which are characterised by
local minima or maxima with intervals of five periods91 • Further-
more, a minimum phase length of 6 quarters is imposed, together
with an alternation of the signs of the turning points.
90 Harding -Pagan (2002) is an example in this respect.
91 The size of the interval can be altered by the user.
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
- Title
- The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
- Author
- Marcus Scheiblecker
- Publisher
- PETER LANG - lnternationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- Location
- Frankfurt
- Date
- 2008
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-631-75458-0
- Size
- 14.8 x 21.0 cm
- Pages
- 236
- Keywords
- Economy, Wirtschaft, WIFO, Vienna
- Categories
- International
- Recht und Politik
Table of contents
- Zusammenfassung V
- Abstract IX
- List of figures and tables XV
- List of abbreviations XVII
- List of variables XIX
- 1. Research motivation and overview 1
- 2. The data 7
- 3. Methods of extracting business cycle characteristics 13
- 4. Identifying the business cycle 41
- 5. Analysing cyclical comovements
- 6. Dating the business cycle 61
- 7. Analysis of turning points 71
- 8. Results 79
- 9. Comparing results with earlier studies on the Austrian business cycle 125
- 9.1 Comparing the results with the study by Altissimo et al. (2001) 126
- 9.2 Comparing the results with the study by Monch -Uhlig (2004) 128
- 9.3 Comparing the results with the study by Cheung -Westermann (1999) 130
- 9.4 Comparing the results with the study by Brandner -Neusser (1992) 131
- 9.5 Comparing the results with the study by Forni - Hallin -Lippi -Reich/in (2000) 132
- 9.6 Comparing the results with the study by Breitung -Eickmeier (2005) 134
- 9.7 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Marcellino - Proietti (2004) 134
- 9.8 Comparing the results with the study by Vijselaar -Albers (2001) 140
- 9.9 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Zhang (1999) 142
- 9.10 Comparing the results with the study by Dickerson -Gibson -Tsakalotos (1998) 142
- 9.11 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Krolzig - Toro (2004) 143
- 9.12 Comparing the results with the dating calendar of the CEPR 146
- 9.13 Comparing the results with the study by Breuss ( 1984) 151
- 9.14 Comparing the results with the study by Hahn - Walterskirchen ( 1992) 153
- 9.15 Comparison of the results of different dating procedures 154
- 9 .15.1 Turning point dates of the Austrian business cycle 155
- 9 .15.2 Turning point dates of the euro area business cycle 156
- 10. Concludlng remarks 161
- References 169
- Annex 177