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euro area shows a turning point with an opposite sign for the be-
ginning of 1980, underlining its inappropriateness. In the case of
our dynamic factor model approach, again the just first-order-
diff erenced data show a trough instead of a peak for the first
quarter of 1980. The common component represented in the HP-
filtered euro area GDP shows a corresponding turning point in the
first quarter of 1980, while BK-filtered data show it one quarter ear-
lier, i.e. in the fourth quarter of 1979.
The end of the second cycle is dated by Monch - Uhlig (2004) in
the third quarter of 1982. In our ad-hoc approach, first-order-
differenced euro area GDP shows no turning points around that
date. However, HP-filtered data show the trough following the
peak of the first quarter of 1980 for the fourth quarter of 1982 and
not the third, as suggested by Monch - Uhlig (2004}. The BK-filtered
data show it one quarter later, namely in the first quarter of 1983.
For the dynamic factor model approach, the results are quite simi-
lar: no turning points around 1982 for first-order-filtered data and
the same date for the trough in the fourth quarter of 1982. The BK-
filtered data show now the same result as the HP series and date
the trough in the fourth quarter of 1982, too.
The last cycle dated by Monch - Uhlig (2004} starts with a peak in
the first quarter of 1992 and a trough one year later. This is hardly
supported by our data. Again, first-order-differenced data failed in
both approaches to show any of these turning points. HP- and BK-
filtered euro area GDP series (again without Germany and Austria)
show their troughs only in the second half of 1993 and the preced-
ing peaks already in 1990115• Only the common component re-
flected in HP-filtered euro area GDP shows a peak in the first quar-
ter of 1992, but the subsequent trough is dated not one, but nearly
two years later.
115 These different results cannot be explained by different definitions of euro area
GDP in both studies, because our dating calendar for Germany shows approxi-
mately the same turning points as the one for our euro area.
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
- Title
- The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
- Author
- Marcus Scheiblecker
- Publisher
- PETER LANG - lnternationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- Location
- Frankfurt
- Date
- 2008
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-631-75458-0
- Size
- 14.8 x 21.0 cm
- Pages
- 236
- Keywords
- Economy, Wirtschaft, WIFO, Vienna
- Categories
- International
- Recht und Politik
Table of contents
- Zusammenfassung V
- Abstract IX
- List of figures and tables XV
- List of abbreviations XVII
- List of variables XIX
- 1. Research motivation and overview 1
- 2. The data 7
- 3. Methods of extracting business cycle characteristics 13
- 4. Identifying the business cycle 41
- 5. Analysing cyclical comovements
- 6. Dating the business cycle 61
- 7. Analysis of turning points 71
- 8. Results 79
- 9. Comparing results with earlier studies on the Austrian business cycle 125
- 9.1 Comparing the results with the study by Altissimo et al. (2001) 126
- 9.2 Comparing the results with the study by Monch -Uhlig (2004) 128
- 9.3 Comparing the results with the study by Cheung -Westermann (1999) 130
- 9.4 Comparing the results with the study by Brandner -Neusser (1992) 131
- 9.5 Comparing the results with the study by Forni - Hallin -Lippi -Reich/in (2000) 132
- 9.6 Comparing the results with the study by Breitung -Eickmeier (2005) 134
- 9.7 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Marcellino - Proietti (2004) 134
- 9.8 Comparing the results with the study by Vijselaar -Albers (2001) 140
- 9.9 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Zhang (1999) 142
- 9.10 Comparing the results with the study by Dickerson -Gibson -Tsakalotos (1998) 142
- 9.11 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Krolzig - Toro (2004) 143
- 9.12 Comparing the results with the dating calendar of the CEPR 146
- 9.13 Comparing the results with the study by Breuss ( 1984) 151
- 9.14 Comparing the results with the study by Hahn - Walterskirchen ( 1992) 153
- 9.15 Comparison of the results of different dating procedures 154
- 9 .15.1 Turning point dates of the Austrian business cycle 155
- 9 .15.2 Turning point dates of the euro area business cycle 156
- 10. Concludlng remarks 161
- References 169
- Annex 177