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The main differences between the approach of the NBER and the
CEPR are that the latter uses quarterly data instead of monthly se-
ries. Furthermore, the business cycle reflected in individual coun-
tries plays a role in the dating procedure, too, which is not the
case for the US. Seasonally adjusted GDP data seem to play the
most important role for the CEPR method, without being the only
This imprecise definition of the business cycle, as in the case of the
NBER, leaves large room for individual interpretation. A concentra-
tion on growth rates alone (growth rate cycles) would imply that
no distinction is made between trend or cycle growth rates. This
reveals the adherence to the classical business cycle definition, if
growth rates are not adjusted by their mean. But the CEPR stresses
that looking at growth rates is not a fixed rule in its dating proce-
dure. Nevertheless, focusing on growth rate cycles contains all the
problems described in the theoretical chapter above, with the
great disadvantage that the irregular component is superimposed
making a reasonable dating nearly impossible. This danger is
somewhat reduced by the criterion of two consecutive quarters of
negative growth, but still there is no distinction between trend and
business cycle growth.
As it became apparent in our calculations on the basis of first-
order-differenced series, fewer turning points have been detected
than with other filtering methods. Here, the reason was that the
Bry-Boschan dating algorithm recognises only turning points if
there is no other contradictory information in close neighbour-
hood. In the case of the CEPR method, the inclusion of trend
growth rates shifts growth rates into the positive area, which re-
duces considerably the number of turning points. In this way, the
concept comes closer to the classical definition of the business
cycle. It is therefore not surprising that the CEPR found only three
complete cycles between 1970 and 2003.
The first peak is dated at the third quarter of 197 4, with a following
trough in 1Q1975. This cycle is outside the period analysed in the
The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien
- Title
- The Austrian Business Cycle in the European Context
- Author
- Marcus Scheiblecker
- Publisher
- PETER LANG - lnternationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- Location
- Frankfurt
- Date
- 2008
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-631-75458-0
- Size
- 14.8 x 21.0 cm
- Pages
- 236
- Keywords
- Economy, Wirtschaft, WIFO, Vienna
- Categories
- International
- Recht und Politik
Table of contents
- Zusammenfassung V
- Abstract IX
- List of figures and tables XV
- List of abbreviations XVII
- List of variables XIX
- 1. Research motivation and overview 1
- 2. The data 7
- 3. Methods of extracting business cycle characteristics 13
- 4. Identifying the business cycle 41
- 5. Analysing cyclical comovements
- 6. Dating the business cycle 61
- 7. Analysis of turning points 71
- 8. Results 79
- 9. Comparing results with earlier studies on the Austrian business cycle 125
- 9.1 Comparing the results with the study by Altissimo et al. (2001) 126
- 9.2 Comparing the results with the study by Monch -Uhlig (2004) 128
- 9.3 Comparing the results with the study by Cheung -Westermann (1999) 130
- 9.4 Comparing the results with the study by Brandner -Neusser (1992) 131
- 9.5 Comparing the results with the study by Forni - Hallin -Lippi -Reich/in (2000) 132
- 9.6 Comparing the results with the study by Breitung -Eickmeier (2005) 134
- 9.7 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Marcellino - Proietti (2004) 134
- 9.8 Comparing the results with the study by Vijselaar -Albers (2001) 140
- 9.9 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Zhang (1999) 142
- 9.10 Comparing the results with the study by Dickerson -Gibson -Tsakalotos (1998) 142
- 9.11 Comparing the results with the study by Artis - Krolzig - Toro (2004) 143
- 9.12 Comparing the results with the dating calendar of the CEPR 146
- 9.13 Comparing the results with the study by Breuss ( 1984) 151
- 9.14 Comparing the results with the study by Hahn - Walterskirchen ( 1992) 153
- 9.15 Comparison of the results of different dating procedures 154
- 9 .15.1 Turning point dates of the Austrian business cycle 155
- 9 .15.2 Turning point dates of the euro area business cycle 156
- 10. Concludlng remarks 161
- References 169
- Annex 177