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Aluminium: The first aluminium works in Austria were established at Lend, province of Salzburg, in 1897. A large plant was founded at Ranshofen, Upper Austria, in 1938 and nationalised in 1946 Nationalised Industry. At first, crude aluminium production expanded on account of rising demand, and two thirds of the output was exported. When world market prices collapsed after 1982, crude aluminium production was phased out and production concentrated on semis. Attempts from 1982 onwards to overcome the crisis by worldwide commitments (AMAG company) failed after 1990 and led to the closure of the electrolysis plant, although finished products continued. The company was privatised in 1996 ( Austria Metall AG). Other important aluminium-processing companies in Austria are: Teich AG and Salzburger Aluminium AG (SAG).>.


M. Koenig, Die Geschichte der Aluminiumindustrie in Oesterreich unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung des Werkes Ranshofen, doctoral thesis, Vienna 1994.