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unbekannter Gast

Bacher, Gerd Gerhardt#

b. Salzburg, Nov. 18, 1925, journalist ("Salzburger Volkszeitung", "Salzburger Nachrichten", "Bild - Telegraf", "Express"), managing director of the publishers F. Molden (Vienna) and R. Kiesel (Salzburg), 1974-1978 media adviser to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl; 1967-1974, 1978-1986 and 1990-1994 director-general of the Austrian broadcasting corporation ORF. B. played a major role in reforming and modernizing the Austrian broadcasting system in accordance with the broadcasting acts of 1966 and 1974. Is credited with raising the ORF's image to international standards.


G. B. zu Ehren, ed. by ORF, 1985; M. Schmolke (ed.), Der Generalintendant. G. B. Reden, Vortraege, Stellungnahmen aus den Jahren 1967 bis 1994, 2000.