Hoefnagel, Georg#
b. Antwerp (Belgium), 1542, d. Vienna, Sept. 9, 1600, miniaturist and artist, father of Jakob Hoefnagel. Journeyed through Europe, especially to Italy and Spain, lived in Bavaria and from the 1580s worked at the court in Innsbruck. Later worked in Vienna and Prague, especially as a graphic artist. Created book illuminations and topographical and scientific illustrations.
views of Linz, Innsbruck, Martinswand, St. Poelten, etc. in: G. Braun and F. Hogenberg, Civitates orbis Terrarum, around 1600.Literature#
D. Thoss, G. H. und seine Beziehungen zur Gent-Bruegger Buchmalerei, in: Beitraege zur flaem. Buchmalerei, habil., Vienna 1992.