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Wolfsberg, Carinthia, town in the district of Wolfsberg, alt. 460 m, pop. 25,250 (2000), area 278.44 km2, major municipality and economic centre of the Lavanttal valley, situated at the foot of the Koralpe mountain. - District commission, district court, labour market service, tax office, chamber of labour, economic chamber, vocational training institute with training centre, chamber of agriculture and forestry, Aichelburg barracks, regional health and social insurance office, hospital, social centre, counselling centre for women and families, workshop and hostel of the Lebenshilfe (association engaged in life-counselling), psychological school service, Lavanttal valley museum of local history and culture, golf course, town library, Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium secondary school, commercial academy, Hauptschule secondary school, upper secondary school of engineering, advanced-level commercial school, Capuchin monastery, airport, waterworks, road maintenance authority, road maintenance, shoemaking and, in the engineering industry, metal processing, building and construction industry, textile industry; and in the service sectors (personal, social and public services, trade). - Finds from the Bronze, Hallstatt and Roman eras. Territory of the city of Bamberg from the 11th century, confirmation of the town charter in 1331, part of Austria since 1759. Wine-growing was the most important sector of the economy in the Middle Ages, later on the iron industry became more important. Late-Romanesque town parish church (first documented mention 1216), three-aisled pier basilica with Romanesque recessed portal (around 1240), Gothic and early-Baroque additions, Gothic choir, late-Gothic St. Catherine´s chapel, Baroque high altar (1776) with altarpiece (1777) by M. J. Schmidt; to the northeast of the church, late-Gothic chapel with late-Gothic winged altar (from the end of the 15th century). Heilige Dreifaltigkeit ("Holy Trinity") filial church with Baroque altars and Gothic pietà (around 1410); Capuchin church (1777), Protestant church (built before 1857); castle built on a hill (first documented mention 1178 as castle of the diocese of Bamberg, extended in the 16th century, renovated in Historicist-Romantic style 1846-1853), neo-Gothic chapel, riding school (1855); Henckel-Donnersmarck mausoleum (1858/59); Bayerhofen Castle (alterations in the 2nd half of the 16th century) with arcaded courtyard (around 1560-1565); town hall (1888); town houses with Renaissance arcaded courts and façades from the 19th century; cadastral district of Waldenstein. Town area: Late-Gothic parish church in St. Stefan (widened in 1962) with Baroque high altar and late-Gothic statues; large Gothic parish church in St. Michael (Baroque elements added in the 18th century), Gothic frescoes (around 1440); late-Gothic filial church in St. Thomas, Baroque high altar (late 17th century); late-Gothic parish church with two beautiful portals, late-Gothic stone pulpit (around 1520) and Baroque interior; late-Gothic parish church in St. Margarethen (around 1530), painted and altered in Baroque style, high altar (1730); parish church with Romanesque core in Prebl with late-Gothic choir and high altar; fragments of Roman tombstones attached to the outer wall. Silberberg Castle (16th century; Reideben castle, Renaissance construction (around 1550) with pergolas and arcades in the courtyard; ruins of Schloss Moosheim castle (16th century) in Prebl.


O. Lamprecht et al., Festschrift for the 700 year anniversary of the municipality of Wolfsberg, 1970; G. Egger, Die Gemeinde Wolfsberg in Kaernten, doctoral thesis, Graz 1980; Stadtgemeinde Wolfsberg (ed.), Wolfsberger Illustriertes Rathausmagazin 17, 1994.