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unbekannter Gast

Zülow, Franz von#

b. Vienna, March 15, 1883, d. Vienna, Feb. 27, 1963, painter, graphic artist; invented a new paper stencil screen printing technique. From 1908 produced illustrations and sketches for the "Wiener Werkstaette" (Vienna Crafts Studio). In the years 1920/21 taught at the Schleiss training studio of ceramic art at Gmunden (Upper Austria); from 1949 teacher at the arts and crafts school in Linz; from 1955 president of the artists' guild of the Upper Austrian "Muehlviertel" region. Created designs for porcelain, cloth and furniture and from 1925 made oil paintings (landscapes, still lifes, figures) and frescoes. After 1945 received numerous public commissions for mural paintings and mosaics.


P. Baum, F. v. Z., 1980.