Renner, Karl#
b. Dolní Dunajovice, Czech Republic (then Unter-Tannowitz), Dec. 14, 1870, d. Vienna, Dec. 31, 1950, studied law, politician (SDAP; Austrian Socialist Party, SPOe). 1907 delegate to the Reichsrat, advocated a federalist re-organization of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, wrote numerous works on this subject, pioneer of workers' education; 1918-1920 State Chancellor of the First Republic; 1918-1919 member of the Provisional National Assembly, 1919-1920 member of the Constituent National Assembly; author of the provisional constitution, the electoral regulations and significant legislation; head of the Austrian delegation to the peace negotiations in Saint-Germain. 1930-1934 member of the Nationalrat, 1931-1933 its 1st president, 1934 short-term imprisonment. Belonged to the pragmatic wing of the social-democratic party. 1945 pursued the restoration of Austria as first head of government in the Second Republic in the provisional three-party government. As Federal President from 1945 until 1950 aimed at uniting the people under the banner of co-operation, democracy, human rights and the restoration of Austria's sovereignty.
Works (partly under the pseudonyms of Synopticus or Rudolf Springer):
Staat und Nation, 1899; Der Kampf der oe. Nationen um den Staat, 1902;
Grundlagen und Entwicklungsziele der oe.-ungar. Monarchie, 1906; Oe.
Erneuerung, 3 vols., 1916; An der Wende zweier Zeiten, 1946;
Nachgelassene Werke, 3 vols., 1952-1953; Das Weltbild der Moderne,
1954; Portraet einer Evolution, ed. by H. Fischer, 1970.
A. Pelinka, K. R. zur Einfuehrung, 1989; W. Rauscher, K. R.: ein oe. Mythos, 1994; S. Nasko and J. Reichl, K. R., 2000.