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Juliputsch 1934#

July Putsch of 1934, an attempted Nazi coup in Austria, carried out with the knowledge of German government authorities. The July Putsch began on July 25 when 154 members of the SS, disguised as Austrian soldiers and policemen, attacked the Federal Chancellery. Federal chancellor E. Dollfuss was fatally wounded by two shots. At the same time another group of rebels forced their way into the RAVAG broadcasting station in Vienna and broadcast a false bulletin that Dollfuss had handed over the reins of government to A. Rintelen. This was intended as a signal for a revolt by National Socialists all over Austria, which led to a number of days of fighting in several parts of Upper Austria, Styria, and Carinthia ( Kollerschlag), as well as smaller-scale revolts in the province of Salzburg. After the revolt was put down, 13 rebels were executed, about 4,000 were interned in detention camps, and many fled to Yugoslavia. The battles cost 107 lives on the government side and 140 among the rebels. 500-600 persons were wounded. In order to pass judgment on the accused, 1,934 military courts were convened on July 26, 1934.


Die Juli-Revolte 1934, 1936; Die Erhebung der oesterreichischen National-Sozialisten im Juli 1934, 21984; G. Jagschitz, Der Putsch, 1976.