Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix#
b. Vienna, Feb. 13, 1901, d. New York (USA), Aug. 30, 1976, sociologist, mathematician; husband of M. Jahoda. Member of the Vienna University Institute of Psychology, taught from 1933 in the USA, President of the Institute for Social Radio Research in Princeton, from 1940-1969 teacher at Columbia University, New York, from 1969-1976 university professor at the University of Pittsburgh. In 1963 founded the Institut fuer Hoehere Studien (Institute of Advanced Studies) in Vienna together with O. Morgenstern. His works on the methodology of empirical social research were crucial to the development of a quantitative analysis of social and political processes.
Die Arbeitslosen von Marienthal, 1933 (with M. Jahoda and H. Zeisel); Radio Research, 1941 (with F. N. Stanton); Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences, 1954; Persoenlicher Einfluss und Meinungsbildung, 1962; Am Puls der Gesellschaft, 1968; Wahlen und Waehler, 1969.Literature#
W. R. Langenbucher (ed.), P. F. L., 1990; S. Reichard-Kuerzel, P. F. L., master's thesis, Vienna 1996; NDB.