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Wals-Siezenheim, province of Salzburg, municipality in the district of Salzburg-Umgebung, alt. 446 m, pop. 9,563 (1981: pop. 7,766), area 26.64 km2, located on the River Saalach, west of the city of Salzburg. - Schwarzenberg barracks (built in 1951 by the American occupying forces as "Camp Roeder"), Soldatenkirche church (1953), Casino Salzburg ( Klessheim Palace), golf course (in the palace park), Walserberg border station with customs office and trans-border freight traffic administration authority, Landesgut Klessheim estate, day-care centre of the Lebenshilfe welfare organisation, training centre for former psychiatric patients, Klessheim Salzburg tourism schools with boarding school, 2 trade vocational schools, agricultural trade and vocational school, Siezenheim waterworks, Airport Centre (Himmelreich shopping centre). Approx. 65 % of the total of 4,993 employees (1991) work in the services sector (personal, social and public services, trade, catering trade, transportation), building trade. - Excavation of a Roman estate with mosaic decorations near Loig; Wals parish church (first documented mention 788, Romanesque core, Gothic west tower, rest re-built in 1860), late-Gothic subsidiary church on Goiser Huegel hill; old Einhof type farmhouses with decorated façades; late-Gothic parish church of Maria Geburt in Siezenheim (first documented mention 1281, consecrated in 1506) with frescoes (15th and 17th centuries), altar paintings by J. F. Pereth (1677) and late-Gothic christening font (1515); Klessheim Palace. - The plain east of the River is called Walser Feld.