Page - 197 - in Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im südostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva
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nection, the possibility of interactions between the
workshops and the possible functionally differenti-
ated usage of rooms by both sexes is discussed.
Besides the reconstruction of activities in the area of
Insula XLI until the time of the fire, evidence of hu-
man intervention immediately after the fire – such as
cleanup efforts – could be defined in the framework
of taphonomic processes.
Apart from this compilation, evaluation and interpre-
tation of archaeological data which primarily con-
tribute to the cultural history, a central topic of the
study is the discussion of the connection of the burnt
feature in Insula XLI with the historic tradition of the
Marcomannic Wars. The existing remains of mate-
rial culture, the relevant ancient written sources, the
research history and the current state of research
were examined with regard to the possibility of this
connection. It is clear that the problems of the sub-
ject are primarily in the handing-down of obsolete
research results and the absence of a willingness to
discuss the historic interpretation of archaeological
findings in a dialectic way. In addition, there is an
excessive and hasty use of passages from ancient
literature for the interpretation of archaeological
features and findings and a lack of archaeological
source criticism.
After the author’s detailed examination of the men-
tioned data basis and taking into consideration the
current state of research and discussion, the as-
sumption that this burnt feature in Insula XLI consti-
tutes the consequences of a locally limited destruc-
tive fire must be preferred over the assumption that
the fire broke out in connection with a pillage during
the documented invasions of the Germanic tribes.
In this connection, this case study showed that such
statements must first of all be oriented to the data
basis; secondly, can only be made tendentially in
this concrete case1167; thirdly, can only be judged as
provisional since, according to the current data basis
neither a destructive fire nor an enemy assault can
be strictly confirmed or excluded as an interpretation
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book Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im südostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva"
Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im südostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva
- Title
- Ein Brandhorizont aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege im südostnorischen Munizipium Flavia Solva
- Author
- Christoph Hinker
- Publisher
- Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut
- Location
- Wien
- Date
- 2014
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY-ND 3.0
- 978-3-900305-70-3
- Size
- 21.0 x 29.7 cm
- Pages
- 344
- Keywords
- Flavia Solva, materielle Kultur, Artefakt (Archäologie), Brom, Glimmergruppe, Insula, Magerung, Thüringische Drehscheibenkeramik
- Categories
- Geschichte Historische Aufzeichnungen
Table of contents
- Vorwort 7
- Einleitung 9
- 1 Lage 11
- 2 Historischer Kontext 15
- 3 Forschungsgeschichte 23
- 4 Forschungsmeinungen 27
- 5 Quellenkritik 31
- 6 Terminologie 35
- 7 Taphonomie 37
- 8 Exkurs: Korrespondierende Befunde im Munizipium Flavia Solva? 49
- 9 Die Architektur der Insula XLI (Haus I–VI) 51
- 10 Definition von Aktivitätszonen 57
- 10.1 Exkurs: Grube G21 66
- 10.2 Exkurs: Grube G32 72
- 11 Fundauswertung 77
- 12 Chronologie 153
- 13 Technologie und Werkstätten 157
- 14 Der Brandhorizont der Insula XLI im urbanen kultur-geschichtlichen Kontext von Flavia Solva 167
- 15 Brandzerstörungen aus der Zeit der Markomannenkriege in Noricum, Pannonien und Rätien 171
- 16 Diskussion: Ergebnisse und ihr Verhältnis zum historischen Kontext 179
- 16.1 Holzarchitektur 180
- 16.2 Schadensfeuer 180
- 16.3 Pompeji-Prämisse 180
- 16.4 Militaria 181
- 16.5 Menschliche Skelettreste 182
- 16.6 Übrige Funde, speziell Metallfunde 183
- 16.7 Bebauungsmuster der Insula XLI nach Periode II/II+ 184
- 16.8 Forschungsstand zu Flavia Solva 186
- 16.9 Die südostnorische Siedlungslandschaft und das Szenario eines Germaneneinfalls 186
- 16.10 Tradierung von Forschungsmeinungen versus kritischer Prüfung 187
- 16.11 Fragenkatalog und Synthese 187
- 17 Ausblick: Zur Frage der Historizität in der Provinzial- römischen Archäologie 189
- 18 Resümee 195
- 19 Katalog 199
- 20 Tafeln 263
- Tafeln 1 – 43 265
- Fototafeln 1–9 308
- Typentafel mit Tabellen 20 und 21 317
- 21 Anhang 321