'Nichts auf der Welt ist so gerecht verteilt wie der Verstand. Denn jedermann ist überzeugt, genug davon zu haben'
René Descartes, französischer Philosoph, 1596-1650
Photos shown were taken in 2017 by Gerhard Huber. He kindly made them available to the Austria-Forum.
Fotografiert 2017 und dem Austria-Forum freundlicherweise zur Verfügung gestellt von Gerhard Huber.
Castellana Caves (1)
Castellana Caves (2)
Castellana Caves (3)
Castellana Caves (4)
Castellana Caves (5)
Castellana Caves (6)
- Castellana Caves (7)
- Castellana Caves (8)
- Castellana Caves (9)
- Castellana Caves (10)
- Castellana Caves (11)
- Castellana Caves (12)
- Castellana Caves (13)
- Castellana Caves (14)
- Polignano - Statue of Domenico Modugno
- Polignano (1)
- Polignano (2)
- Polignano (3)
- Polignano (4)
- Polignano - Old Town Centre (1)
- Polignano - Old Town Centre (2)
- Polignano - Old Town Centre (3)
- Polignano - Sunset
- Polignano at Night
- Karst Rocks near Polignano (1)
- Karst Rocks near Polignano (2)
- Karst Rocks near Polignano (3)
- Brindisi - 'Lungomare'
- Brindisi - Roman Column
- Brindisi - Roman Column; Detail
- Brindisi - Teatro Verdi (1)
- Brindisi - Teatro Verdi (2)
- Brindisi - Teatro Verdi; Roman Excavations (1)
- Brindisi - Teatro Verdi; Roman Excavations (2)
- Brindisi - Teatro Verdi; Roman Excavations (3)
- Brindisi - Church of San Bernadetto
- Brindisi - Church of San Bernadetto; Inside
- Brindisi - Church of San Bernadetto; Cloister
- Brindisi - Church of San Giovanni al Sepolcro (1)
- Brindisi - Church of San Giovanni al Sepolcro (2)
- Brindisi - Church of San Giovanni al Sepolcro; Fresco (1)
- Brindisi - Church of San Giovanni al Sepolcro; Fresco (2)
- Brindisi - Church of San Giovanni al Sepolcro (3)
- Brindisi
- Brindisi - Old Town Centre (1)
- Brindisi - Old Town Centre (2)
- Brindisi - Old Town Centre; Graffiti (1)
- Brindisi - Old Town Centre; Graffiti (2)
- Brindisi - Santa Maria del Casale
- Brindisi - Santa Maria del Casale; Inside
- Lecce - Porta Napoli
- Lecce - Roman Theatre (1)
- Lecce - Roman Theatre (2)
- Lecce - Lion of Saint Mark
- Lecce - Statue of St. Oronzo
- Lecce - Statue of St. Oronzo; Detail
- Lecce - Church (1)
- Lecce - Church (2)
- Lecce - Cathedral (1)
- Lecce - Church of Santa Chiara
- Lecce - Church of the Holy Cross
- Lecce - Church of the Holy Cross; Inside (1)
- Lecce - Church of the Holy Cross; Inside (2)
- Lecce - Church of the Holy Cross; Inside (3)
- Lecce - Palazzo del Seminario
- Lecce - Palazzo del Seminario; Façade
- Lecce - Cathedral (2)
- Lecce - Cathedral (3)
- Lecce - Cathedral; Portal
- Lecce - Cathedral (4)
- Lecce - Cathedral; Inside (1)
- Lecce - Cathedral; Inside (2)
- Lecce - Cathedral; Stained Glass Window
- Lecce - Cathedral; Bishop
- Lecce - Cathedral; Inside (3)
- Lecce - Chocolate Shop
- Lecce - 'Cartapesta' (1)
- Lecce - 'Cartapesta' (2)
- Lecce - 'Cartapesta' (3)
- Lecce - 'Cartapesta' Production
- Lecce - 'Cartapesta' (4)
- Lecce - Old Town Centre
- Galatina - Church of San Pietro
- Galatina - Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
- Galatina - Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria; Inside (1)
- Galatina - Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria; Inside (2)
- Galatina - Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria; Inside (3)
- Galatina - Church of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria; Inside (4)
- Gallipoli
- Gallipoli - Harbour (1)
- Gallipoli - Harbour (2)
- Gallipoli - Harbour (3)
- Gallipoli - Olive Oil Mill (1)
- Gallipoli - Olive Oil Mill (2)
- Gallipoli - Olive Oil Mill (3)
- Gallipoli - Castle
- Gallipoli - Castle; Courtyard
- Gallipoli - Castle; Inside (1)
- Gallipoli - Castle; Inside (2)
- Gallipoli - Cathedral
- Gallipoli - Cathedral; Inside (1)
- Gallipoli - Cathedral; Inside (2)
- Gallipoli - Cathedral; Inside (3)
- Gallipoli - Cathedral; Inside (4)
- Gallipoli - Old Town Centre (1)
- Gallipoli - Old Town Centre (2)
- Gallipoli - Orecchiette
- Gallipoli - Sponges
- Gallipoli - Fisherman (1)
- Gallipoli - Fisherman (2)
- Gallipoli - Fisherman (3)
- Gallipoli - Fisherman (4)