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25 Rudolf 1995. It was preceded in 1992 the Vienna dissertation of Katharina Podewils,
Kaiser Maximilian ii. (1564–1576) als Mäzen der bildenden Künste und der Goldschmie-
dekunst, which collected and systematically presented a huge quantity of source material
on Maximilian’s patronage of the visual arts, but has remained unpublished. I am grateful
to the author to have made a copy available to me.
26 Crato 1577, p.27: ‘<…> extruere suburbanas quasdam domos et hortos, in quibus sua manu
arbores posteritati profuturas inserere et disponere solebat <…>’, as quoted in Lippmann
2006–07, p. 148.
27 Discussed in detail in Lietzmann 1987, pp. 166–168; Gelder 2011.
Of particular relevance was the illuminating overview of Maximilian’s pa-
tronage of the visual arts and his collecting activities presented by Karl Rudolf
in 1995.25 Based on a careful reading of the available sources and a comparison
of Maximilian’s activities with those of his cousin, Philip ii, this provides a
valuable synthesis of the field. Yet a real understanding of Maximilian’s patron-
age will only be possible when a much more complete biography, using the
mass of his as yet unpublished correspondence, has thrown more light upon
his personal interests and tastes, and has placed these in the context of his
time and his very cosmopolitan environment. Until then it is only possible to
voice intuitions as to the possible significance of the disparate individual in-
stances of patronage we know of.
The first serious attempt to get some grip on the architectural activity at
the Imperial court at the time of Maximilian ii was made by Hilda Lietzmann
in her invaluable monograph on the Neugebäude of 1987. Though the lack of
sufficient and sufficiently coherent documented facts makes it very difficult
to come to definitive conclusions, Maximilian’s patronage of architecture was
sufficiently important to merit specific mention in Crato’s funeral oration.
Significantly Crato mentions it literally in one breath with his interest in the
laying out of gardens and the practice of horticulture:
<…> he had built certain houses and gardens in the outskirts of town,
in which for the good of posterity he used to dispose and plant the trees
with his own hands.26
Maximilian’s passion for gardening, for plants, for botany, and more in general
for natural history is well-known, and is best exemplified by the preferential
treatment given to Carolus Clusius, whom he commissioned to organize a bo-
tanical garden.27 Maximilian’s interest extended beyond the vegetable world,
since the wildlife in his gardens and parks was deemed as important as its veg-
etation, including aviaries, fishponds, and even cages or ‘Zwinger’ for exotic
and ferocious animals, including lions and the celebrated elephant, named
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book Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court - The Antique as Innovation, Volume 1"
Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
The Antique as Innovation, Volume 1
- Title
- Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
- Subtitle
- The Antique as Innovation
- Volume
- 1
- Author
- Dirk Jacob Jansen
- Publisher
- Brill
- Location
- Leiden
- Date
- 2019
- Language
- English
- License
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
- 978-90-04-35949-9
- Size
- 15.8 x 24.1 cm
- Pages
- 572
- Categories
- Biographien
- Kunst und Kultur
Table of contents
- Preface XV
- Acknowledgements XVIII
- Acknowledgments of Financial Support Received XXI
- List of Abbreviations XXII
- Introduction: The Image—Or from Whom (Not?) to Buy a Second-Hand Car 1
- 0.1 The Portraits of Jacopo and Ottavio Strada 1
- 0.2 Why are These Portraits so Special? 4
- 0.3 Motions of the Mind 4
- 0.4 What is Known About Strada: Early Notices 9
- 0.5 Quellenkunde: Some Sources Published in the NineteenthCentury 15
- 0.6 Kulturgeschichte before World War II 19
- 0.7 Romance: Josef Svátek and the Rudolfine Legend 21
- 0.8 A (Very) Modest Place in the History of Classical Scholarship 24
- 0.9 Contemporary Scholarship 25
- 0.10 What Has Not Been Written on Jacopo Strada 37
- 0.11 Weaving the Strands Together: The Purpose of this Study 39
- 1 Early Years: Family Background, Education, Giulio Romano 45
- 2 Travel: Rome, Landshut, Nuremberg—Strada’s Connection withWenzel Jamnitzer 67
- 3 In Hans Jakob Fuggers’s Service 107
- 3.1 Hans Jakob Fugger 107
- 3.2 Fugger as a Patron and Collector 114
- 3.3 Fugger’s Employment of Strada 121
- 3.4 Architectural Patronage for the Fuggers: The DonauwörthStudiolo 134
- 3.5 Strada’s Trips to Lyon 137
- 3.6 Strada’s Contacts in Lyon: Sebastiano Serlio 149
- 3.7 Civis Romanus: Strada’s Sojourn in Rome 156
- 3.8 Commissions and Purchases: The Genesis of Strada’s Musaeum 174
- 3.9 Departure from Rome 183
- 4 Antiquario Della Sacra Cesarea Maesta: Strada’s Tasksat Court 188
- 4.1 Looking for Patronage: Strada’s Arrival at the ImperialCourt 188
- 4.2 The Controversy with Wolfgang Lazius 200
- 4.3 ‘Obwol Ir.Maj. den Strada selbst dier Zeit wol zu geprauchen’: Strada’s Tasks at Court 210
- 4.4 Indirect Sources Throwing Light on Strada’s Employment at Court 242
- 4.5 Conclusion 248
- 5 Jacopo Strada as an Imperial Architect: Background 251
- 5.1 Introduction: The Austrian Habsburgs as Patrons of Architecture 251
- 5.2 The Prince as Architect: Ferdinand I and Maximilian II asAmateurs and Patrons of Architecture 255
- 5.3 ‘Adeste Musae’: Maximilian’s Hunting Lodge and Garden in the Prater 290
- 5.4 The Imperial Residence: Status quo at Strada’s Arrival 307
- 5.5 The Architectural Infrastructure at the Imperial Court 319
- 5.6 Strada’s Competence as an Architect 331
- 6 Strada’s Role in Projects Initiated by Emperor Ferdinand I 339
- 7 An Object Lesson: Strada’s House in Vienna 367
- 8 The Munich Antiquarium 383
- 9 The Neugebäude 430
- 9.1 The Tomb of Ferdinand I and Anna in Prague; Licinio’s Paintings in Pressburg 431
- 9.2 Kaiserebersdorf and Katterburg 432
- 9.3 Sobriety versus Conspicuous Consumption 437
- 9.4 Hans Jakob Fugger’s Letter 438
- 9.5 Description of the Complex 441
- 9.6 The Personal Involvement of Emperor Maximilian II 455
- 9.7 Ottoman Influence? 463
- 9.8 Classical Sources: Roman Castrametatio and the Fortified Palace of Diocletian at Split 467
- 9.9 Classical Sources: Monuments of Ancient Rome 480
- 9.10 Contemporary Italian Architecture 489
- 9.11 Strada’s Contribution 500
- 9.12 Conclusion: Strada’s Role in the Design of the Neugebäude 507
- 10 Other Patrons of Architecture 514
- 10.1 The Courtyard of the Landhaus in Graz 514
- 10.2 The Residence for Archduke Ernest 517
- 10.3 Other Patrons: Vilém z Rožmberk 520
- 10.4 Jan Šembera Černohorský z Boskovic and BučoviceCastle 524
- 10.5 Christoph von Teuffenbach: The House in Vienna and the Castle at Drnholec 530
- 10.6 Reichard Strein von Schwarzenau and the Castle at Schwarzenau 534
- 10.7 Conclusion 542