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vom 09.02.2022, aktuelle Version,

Olympische Jugend-Winterspiele 2012/Teilnehmer (Marokko)

Goldmedaillen Silbermedaillen Bronzemedaillen

Marokko nahm an den Olympischen Jugend-Winterspielen 2012 in Innsbruck mit einem Athleten in einer Sportart teil.[1]


Ski Alpin

Athleten Wettbewerb Durchgang 1 Durchgang 2 Gesamt
Zeit Zeit Zeit Rang
Adam Lamhamedi Super-G 1:04,45 min Gold
Riesenslalom DNF nicht qualifiziert
Slalom 48,14 s DNF nicht qualifiziert
Kombination DNF nicht qualifiziert


  1. olympic.org: Innsbruck 2012 (englisch)

License Information of Images on page#

Image DescriptionCreditArtistLicense NameFile
Pictograms of Olympic sports - Alpine skiing Eigenes Werk Thadius856 (SVG conversion) & Parutakupiu (original image)
Public domain
Datei:Alpine skiing pictogram.svg
Olympic Bronze medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic 's Gold medal Eigenes Werk 쿠도군
Public domain
Datei:Bronze medal-2008OB.svg
Flagge von Marokko Flag of Morocco* country Morocco genutzt von Morocco, Western Sahara in Benutzung seit 1915-11-17 entworfen von Yusef of Morocco Format 2:3 Form Rechteck FIAV ↑ Farben bright red, palm green sonstige Eigenschaften flag has a green interwoven pentagram centered on a red field Moroccan royal decree (17 November 1915), BO-135-ar page 6 (Arabic) - BO-162_fr page 6 (French) English Translation: Cherifian Dahir in the distinction of the Moroccan flag — To be known from this book, may God uphold its value and to be around the centre of grace and joy its orbit, that due to the promotion of our cherifian kingdom affairs, the spread of its glory and its pride, the need to assign a flag that distinct it from the rest of the kingdoms as that our sacred ancestors flag use to be very similar to some other flags especially the ones used in the marine signs, our noble vision decided to distinct our joyful flag by making the five pointed seal of Solomon in the middle in green, asking the almighty god to keep it waving with the winds of fortune and ambition for this time and the becoming, Amen and peace. Moroccan royal decree (23 November 2005), BO-5378-ar page 5 (Arabic) - BO-5378-fr page 6 (French) English Translation: Cherifian Dahir number 1.05.99 issued in 20 Shawwal 1426 (23 November 2005) about the characteristics of the Kingdom's emblem and national anthem — In accordance with the seventh article of the constitution, the emblem of the Kingdom shall be a red flag with a five-pointed green star in the center. The flag shall be made with fabric of bright red, opaque and rectangular in shape. The star shall be open, palm green, made of five continuous branches and woven in the same fabric where it must be visible on both sides of the flag. One of its points must point upwards. The hoist vertical dimension of a flag of the flag equals two thirds (2/3) of its fly horizontal length of a flag . The star is inscribed in an invisible circle whose radius equals one sixth (1/6) of the flag's fly horizontal length of a flag and whose centre is the intersection point of the invisible diagonal lines of the flag's rectangular. The width of each one of the branchs of the star shall be 1/20 of its length. See also: Flags of the World - Morocco, description Vexilla Mundi - Morocco Colors from Flag of the Kingdom of Morocco Denelson83 , Zscout370
Public domain
Datei:Flag of Morocco.svg
Olympic Gold medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic 's Gold medal Eigenes Werk 쿠도군
Public domain
Datei:Gold medal-2008OB.svg
Olympische Flagge Manual reconstruction by Denelson83 Original author: Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937)
Public domain
Datei:Olympic flag.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here pertains to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Eigenes Werk mittels: https://olympics.com/images/static/b2p-images/logo_color.svg Original author: Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937)
Public domain
Datei:Olympic rings.svg
Olympic Rings without "rims" (gaps between the rings), As used, eg. in the logos of the 2008 and 2016 Olympics. The colour scheme applied here pertains to the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Eigenes Werk mittels: https://olympics.com/images/static/b2p-images/logo_color.svg Original author: Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937)
Public domain
Datei:Olympic rings without rims.svg
Olympic Silver medal. like 2008 Summer Olympic 's Gold medal Eigenes Werk 쿠도군
Public domain
Datei:Silver medal-2008OB.svg
Logo Olympische Jugend-Winterspiele 2012 http://www.innsbruck2012.com/en/newsroom/iyogoc_news Unbekannt Datei:2012 Summer Youth Olympics.svg