Page - (000013) - in Induktionsfügen von thermoplastischen Faserverbundwerkstoffen
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Theuse of high-performance fiber-reinforcedplastics in automotive chassis shows ahighpotential for
the emission reductionand the conservationof fossil fuels through lightweightdesign.Theavailability
of amaterial specific joining technique sets the limit ofmaterial use case in the car body. In addition
to the technical capacities of amethod to create a bond between two ormore parts in the car body,
the technical opportunities, the capability check and the economic aspects have to be fulfilled. The
study investigated the inductionwelding of carbon-fiber-reinforced thermoplastics.With the induced
eddy currents in the carbonfibers the thermoplasticmatrixwasmeltedby thermal loss.Theproof of
the process capabilitywas necessary for the industrial use of the inductionwelding in the body shop.
One aspect at the study was the analysis of the process monitoring and the temperature controlled
plasticizing as the first process step of the continuous welding. The second goal of the studywas to
investigate and optimize the strength related re-consolidation of the locallymelted fusion zone. The
major scope of the investigation, for the improvement of themechanical values of theweld seamwas
laid on the active controlled cooling and the designated applied local pressure. For the optimization
the consolidation process was split in active and passive parts. A semi-analytic method was used
for a fast and economic weldability investigation and the weld parameter prediction. An industrial
automatedweld systemwith a standardizedbody shop robot systemwasdesigned.The requirements
for the designwere defined after an effect analysis of the inductionweld process. In the second part
of the study the influence of theweld headpositionwas evaluated.The failure of the fusion zonewas
investigatedbyx-raycomputer tomographyandscanningelectronmicroscopy.Todetermine the static
mechanicalproperties theSingle-Lap-Shear-Testwasused.The inter laminar shear strengthvaluewas
determined by the modified Compression-Shear-Test. Based on the investigations the guidelines for
the parts and joint design were defined. The capability study and economic evaluation prove the
possibility of the current industrial application at the body shop.
Induktionsfügen von thermoplastischen Faserverbundwerkstoffen
Table of contents
- Abkürzungen XIV
- Symbolverzeichnis XVI
- 1 Einleitung 1
- 2 Stand derTechnik 11
- 2.1 ThermoplastischeKunststoffe 11
- 2.1.1 Grundlagen undEinteilung derKunststoffe 11
- 2.1.2 Werkstoffeigenschaften vonThermoplasten 12
- 2.1.3 FaserverstärkteThermoplaste 16
- 2.1.4 Herstellverfahren vonHalbzeugen undBauteilenmit thermoplastischerMatrix 21
- 2.1.5 Konsolidierung vonThermoplasten 22
- 2.1.6 Betrachtung des Schmelzschweißprozesses bei Thermoplasten 23
- 2.1.7 Prüfmethoden 23
- 2.1.8 Ermüdungsverhalten 29
- 2.1.9 ThermischeKunststoffkennwerte 31
- 2.1.10 BildgebendeAnalyseverfahren 32
- 2.1.11 Schadensanalyse 33
- 2.2 Grundlagen der induktivenErwärmung 33
- 2.3 Erwärmung carbonfaserverstärkterKunststoffe 44
- 2.4 Schweißbarkeit 48
- 2.5 Modelle zurmathematischenBeschreibung 51
- 2.1 ThermoplastischeKunststoffe 11
- 3 Aufgabenstellung 53
- 4 Systemtechnik undVersuchsaufbau 55
- 5 Plastifizierung derMatrix 97
- 6 Rekonsolidierung und Schweißnahteigenschaften 151
- 7 FertigungstechnischeUmsetzung 171
- 8 Zusammenfassung 177
- Literaturverzeichnis 178
- Abbildungsverzeichnis 189
- Tabellenverzeichnis 197
- A Zeichnungen, Tabellen undErklärungen 199
- A.1 Werkstoffeigenschaften undDatenblätter 199
- A.2 Numerische Lösungsverfahren 213
- A.3 Datenblätter und Spezifikation derAnlagentechnik 215
- A.4 Berechnungen zu den Strömungszuständen in derKonsolidierungsrolle 224
- A.5 Komponenten undProgrammumgebung derVersuchs-anlage 231
- A.6 Optimierungsmethode 234
- A.7 Festigkeitsuntersuchung 245
- A.8 Prozessfenster 246
- A.9 Prozessfähigkeitsuntersuchung 247
- B Veröffentlichungen 249