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Religious Diversity and Education
in Europe
edited by
Cok Bakker, Jenny Berglund, Gerdien Bertram-Troost,
Hans-Günter Heimbrock, Julia Ipgrave,
Robert Jackson, Geir Skeie, Wolfram Weisse
Volume 35
Globalisation and plurality are influencing all areas of education, including religious education.
The inter-cultural and multi-religious situation in Europe demands a re-evaluation of the existing
educational systems in particular countries as well as new thinking at the broader European level.
This well-established peer reviewed book series is committed to the investigation and reflection
on the changing role of religion and education in Europe, including the interface between Euro-
pean research, policy and practice and that of countries or regions outside Europe. Contributions
will evaluate the situation, reflect on fundamental issues and develop perspectives for better
policy making and pedagogy, especially in relation to practice in the classroom.
The publishing policy of the series is to focus on strengthening literacy in the broad field of
religions and related world views, while recognising the importance of strengthening pluralist
democracies through stimulating the development of active citizenship and fostering greater
mutual understanding through intercultural education. It pays special attention to the educational
challenges of religious diversity and conflicting value systems in schools and in society in gen-
Religious Diversity and Education in Europe was originally produced by two European research
ENRECA: The European Network for Religious Education in Europe through Contextual
REDCo: Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogue or a factor of Conflict in trans
forming societies of European Countries
Although books will continue to be published by these two research groups, manuscripts can be
submitted by scholars engaged in empirical and theoretical research on aspects of religion, and
related world views, and education, especially in relation to intercultural issues. Book proposals
relating to research on individual European countries or on wider European themes or European
research projects are welcome. Books dealing with the interface of research, especially related
to policy and practice, in European countries and contexts beyond Europe are also welcome for
consideration. All manuscripts submitted are peer reviewed by two specialist reviewers.
The series is aimed at teachers, teacher educators, researchers and policy makers. The series
is committed to involving practitioners in the research process and includes books by teachers
and teacher educators who are engaged in research as well as academics from various relevant
fields, professional researchers and PhD students (the series includes several ground-breaking
PhD dissertations). It is open to authors committed to these issues, and it includes English and
German speaking monographs as well as edited collections of papers.
Outline book proposals should be directed to one of the editors or to the publisher.
Umgang mit religiöser Differenz im Kindergarten
Eine ethnographische Studie an Einrichtungen in katholischer und islamischer Trägerschaft
- Title
- Umgang mit religiöser Differenz im Kindergarten
- Subtitle
- Eine ethnographische Studie an Einrichtungen in katholischer und islamischer Trägerschaft
- Author
- Helena Stockinger
- Publisher
- Waxmann Verlag GmbH
- Location
- Münster
- Date
- 2017
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-8309-8648-5
- Size
- 16.5 x 23.5 cm
- Pages
- 280
- Category
- Geisteswissenschaften
Table of contents
- Einleitung 11
- Teil I: Theoretische Grundlagen und Begriffsklärungen 12
- 1. Praktisch-theologische Herangehensweise 12
- 2. Ausgangslage der Forschung 14
- 3. Das Recht der Kinder auf Differenz 16
- 4. Chancen und Herausforderungen der Religionspädagogik 17
- 5. Religiöse Differenz in elementaren Bildungseinrichtungen 18
- 6. Begriffliche Klärungen 20
- Teil II: Forschungsstand 41
- 1. Forschungsergebnisse zum Umgang mit religiöser Differenz 41
- 1.1 Ausgewählte Studien mit Kindern im Grundschulalter 42
- 1.2 Empirische Studien mit Kindern in der Elementarpädagogik 46
- 1.2.1 Eva Hoffmann: Interreligiöses Lernen im Kindergarten? 46
- 1.2.2 Friedrich Schweitzer, Albert Biesinger, Anke Edelbrock: Tübinger Projekte 48
- 1.2.3 David Elkind: Erforschung der Glaubensentwicklung 52
- 1.2.4 Ina ter Avest: Erfahrungen im Umgang mit dem Anderen 53
- 1.2.5 Daniel Bar-Tal: Konzept eines „Arabers“ in Israel 54
- 1.2.6 Paul Connolly et al.: Einstellung gegenüber Gruppen in Nordirland 55
- 1.3 Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse 58
- 2. Forschungsfrage 60
- 3. Anliegen der Studie 60
- 4. Entwicklungspsychologische Erkenntnisse 62
- 5. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Kindheitsforschung 67
- Teil III: Methodologische Zugänge der Studie 81
- 1. Qualitativ-empirische Forschung 81
- 2. Ethnographischer Zugang 89
- 3. Grounded Theory 90
- 4. Thematisches Kodieren nach Uwe Flick 94
- 5. Begründung der Forschungszugänge 96
- 6. Überblick über die angewendeten Methoden 98
- Teil IV: Untersuchungsdesign und durchführung 108
- 1. Angewendete Methoden bei der Untersuchung 108
- 2. Auswahl der Kindergärten 114
- 3. Untersuchungsdurchführung 117
- 4. Reflexion der Untersuchungsdurchführung 121
- Teil V: Auswertung 124
- 1. Hinweise zur Auswertung in der vorliegenden Studie 124
- 2. Darstellung der Kindergärten 125
- 3. Kurze Fallbeschreibungen 133
- 4. Datenauswertung 149
- Teil VI: Diskussion 183
- 1. Der Kindergarten als Organisation 183
- 2. Plädoyer: Entwicklung einer Kultur der Anerkennung religiöser Differenz 194
- 3. Rückblick – Ausblick 244
- Literatur 247
- Tabellen und Abbildungsverzeichnis 276
- Anhang 277
- Abstract 279