Page - 351 - in Der griechisch-orientalische Religionsfonds der Bukowina 1783–1949 - Kontinuitäten und Brüche einer prägenden Institution des Josephinismus
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Zusammenfassungen 351
the process of lay people participation in the Orthodox Church of the country and not
necessarily those of the national population they were supposed to represent.
The bishopric of S. Morariu-Andriewicz, which did not immediately follow Hack-
mann, but shaped the Greek-Oriental Church and its Religious Fund in most aspects,
was characterised by two potentially opposed basic trends. While E. Hackmann, on the
basis of his understanding of his role, demanded absolute and unconditional loyalty of
the priests to the bishop and had little time for any participation of the humble congre-
gation – no matter how it was conceived –, Morariu-Andriewicz used it deliberately
to underline the national Romanian basis, as he saw it, of the Orthodox Church of the
country and its fund. As a priest, Morariu-Andriewicz repeatedly withheld the loyalty
demanded by his bishop. Once he became bishop, the internal discourse around inter-
nal hierarchy and control of the Religious Fund opened out onto the political public.
While this furthered the debate about the nationalisation of the Church, it also meant
that actors like the bishop were able to fuel the discourse on the national orientation of
dioceses and Fund, but were limited in their power to control it. Church and Fund had
entered the political arena, they became a central theatre within the complex discursive
weave of national interests between Romanians and Ruthenians in the crown land. Pol-
itics, at imperial as well as crown land level, came to take on a much more decisive role
in the positioning of these two institutions as well as in their activities. Individual actors
provided a link to the regional parliament and the university, especially the Greek-Ori-
ental theological faculty, but also the philology and history chairs. Even contemporaries
outside Church and Religious Fund found it practically impossible to distinguish clearly
between the institutions involved in this discourse in the crown land.
The conflation of social and national concerns, deliberately furthered by some po-
litical trends in the crown land, brought about the gradual mobilisation of the peas-
ants in favour of modern mass parties, something that also happened in other parts of
the monarchy. The Religious Fund had to maintain a dual position here : as large land
owner, on the one hand, and, with supposedly historic legitimisation, as administra-
tor of a national Romanian cultural heritage of enormous economic power. As such, it
had political capital, ring-fenced for use in favour of a Romanian nation. Actors within
and outside the Fund were unable to pursue a consistent line of argument, instead they
were more or less forced to adapt their position to each situation, which, in the long
run, damaged their personal and institutional credibility with a public already politically
sensitised. Therefore, in sum, the processes inside the Religious Fund of institutional
change and the national question not only reflect much of the political discourses domi-
nating the crown land before 1914, they were also, in varying intensity, themselves driv-
ers of these discourses.
Der griechisch-orientalische Religionsfonds der Bukowina 1783–1949
Kontinuitäten und Brüche einer prägenden Institution des Josephinismus
- Title
- Der griechisch-orientalische Religionsfonds der Bukowina 1783–1949
- Subtitle
- Kontinuitäten und Brüche einer prägenden Institution des Josephinismus
- Author
- Kurt Scharr
- Publisher
- Böhlau Verlag
- Location
- Wien
- Date
- 2020
- Language
- German
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- 978-3-205-20927-0
- Size
- 17.4 x 24.5 cm
- Pages
- 447
- Categories
- Geschichte Historische Aufzeichnungen
Table of contents
- Zum Geleit! 11
- Einleitung 13
- 1. Vorwort 13
- 2. Institutionen als Forschungsgegenstand: Analyse & Methodik 18
- 3. Aspekte des Josephinismus. Der katholische Religionsfonds 34
- 4. Gründung des griechisch-orientalischen Religionsfonds 43
- 5. Die wirtschaftliche Situation des Religionsfonds Mitte des 19
- 6. Nationsidee, Kirche & Religionsfonds 116
- 7. Die wirtschaftliche Situation des Religionsfonds bis 1914 215
- 8. Fondul Bisericesc Ortodox Român 1918–1948 246
- 9. Die wirtschaftliche Situation um 1938 289
- 10. Hebel strukturellen Wandels : Jakobeny – Dornawatra (1784–1949) 306
- 11. Zusammenfassungen 340
- I. Verzeichnis ungedruckter Quellen 371
- II. Abbildungsverzeichnis 377
- III. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 380
- IV. Literaturverzeichnis 381
- V. Personenregister 433
- VI. Synoptische Ortsnamenkonkordanz 439